Our mission is to offer valuable resources that foster the growth and empowerment of the residents in Montgomery, and to encourage these individuals to proactively work towards building strong, interconnected, and thriving communities.

Meet the Team

Walter, April 311 Customer Service Representative(334) 625-4636
Richerson, Carmen311 Supervisor(334) 625-4951
McCollister, CynthiaNeighborhood Resource Assistant(334) 625-2126
Ritchie, Isaac311 Customer Service Representative(334) 625-4636
Dow, JonDirector of Neighborhood Services(334) 625-3422
Davis, LakettaNeighborhood Resource Specialist(334) 625-2737
Wyckoff, Raeven311 Customer Service Representative(334) 625-4636
Cook, Tiffany311 Customer Service Representative(334) 625-4636