Help your friends, family, and neighbors living with HIV, Hep C, diabetes, or substance use disorder get the support they need. Be a part walking or running alone or as a team! Runners will be completing for best time to complete the 5K route and the chance of winning a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place award. Walkers, runners, and everyone will have a chance at prize incentives for being the top fundraisers. Proceeds benefit Medical Advocacy & Outreach(MAO) and the more than 2,000 clients served by MAO across 28 counties living with chronic illnesses, including HIV. Help remove the stigma of illness and get your friends, family, and neighbors the support they need to live. What will you Tread Red for this year?
Signup, register or order t-shirts in advance online at MAOI.ORG/EVENTS.
Fees apply for Runners and merchandise. Donations appreciated.
Order t-shirts by August 31st to guarantee shirt arrival before the event on September 24, 2022. We step off at 8 AM.
Questions? Call (334) 481-1602 or email